My GitHub projects
- AutoPaDELPy5 ★
AutoPaDELPy provides an automated user interface for PaDELPy software. It was created to provide a more friendly interaction with the software for the final user.
- chemical-space4 ★
This repository contains all the projects related to Chemical Space Analysis.
- automated-lysozyme-water-forcefields-GROMACS3 ★
Script developed to run the commands of the "Lysozyme in Water" tutorial in gromacs in different force fields at once
- interactive-similarity-network-python3 ★
Script developed to build an interactive molecular similarity network to visualize Tanimoto similarity between molecules in a dataset.
- PepToCodes3 ★
Script developed to transform the amino acid smiles to one letter code for later analysis
- PORCUPINEplot3 ★
PORCUPINEplot is a script developed to automate the generation of porcupine plots of PCA analysis.
- HBondAuto2 ★
HBondAuto is a program developed to calculate and automate the hydrogen bond analysis in Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
- interactive_plot2 ★
Script developed to plot any sort of molecular data with molecular compound images hovering in graph.
- lysozyme-water-gromacs-script2 ★
Script developed to run the commands of the "Lysozyme in Water" tutorial in gromacs.
- PCAauto2 ★
PCAauto is a script developed to automate the PCA analysis of Molecular Dynamics.
- TransformerForReactions1 ★
Implementation of the Transformer architecture for application in generation of reaction outcomes (Not for production, studies only)
- brendaferrari.github.io0 ★
my website
- chemdata-old-version0 ★
A simple, beautiful, and powerful Jekyll theme for blogs.
- chemdata-webapp0 ★
New chemdata website - Under development
- chemdata-webapp-backend0 ★
- gt4sd-core0 ★
GT4SD, an open-source library to accelerate hypothesis generation in the scientific discovery process.
- HeadTailAssign0 ★
Assigns the head and tail atom position in a monomeric unit or in a polymerization reaction, both represented in SMILES string format
- m2o-head-tail-assign0 ★
This tool performs the polymerization of monomers assigning the head and tail atom positions at the oligomer.
- machineleaning-datavis0 ★
This jupyter code was created to share the model of an interactive graph to present the results of a Machine Learning Classification model.
- XLMExtractor-chem-reaction0 ★
Script developed to extract information from xml files including chemical reactions from US patents (1976-Sep2016) curated by Daniel M Lowe.